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Ultralight side release buckle

(2 mnenji strank)


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Quantity Discount Discounted price
50 - 99 15% -
100 + 25% -

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Very high quality buckles, one of the best strength/weight ratio.

  • Ultralight
  • Very high tensile strength: 20mm can handle almost 80kg!
  • Socket is very durable and resistant to breakage


16mm / 3.2g

20mm / 4.2g

25mm / 6.8g

38mm / 11.4g fits also our 40mm webbing



2 mnenji za Ultralight side release buckle

  1. Alexander Neshev (preverjena stranka)

    I buy for 2nd time a bigger quantity, I’m super pleased with the quality

  2. giuliomaresca (preverjena stranka)

    Great quality and lightweight buckle, I use 20mm for fanny packs and 15mm for ul backpacks.
    Easy to use and good looking too!

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